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14 September 2011

The Golden One

By Lance85

Resist We Much, resist she does
The Statist and Dolist, controlling above
For Mo truly senses what they can't see
There are a lot of other John Galt's like she

With facts and figures in her menagerie
She confounds progs with great frequency
They stammer and curse and bloviate
But her hold on the truth they can't extricate

This child of Queen and transplanted Brit
Learned her truths while honing her wit
Against minds greater than Cornell "grad" Ally
Or Sybil and Will or Fleet Admiral Harvey

With each passing day she educates
The smart and the lefties who pontificate
Predicting history, unpredictable past
From her we see the dye was long cast

I wish that we could post audio here
Just to hear a Brit "oy" or a Bronx cheer
Lest you think this is infatuation
My wife looked on for the dictation.

"The Golden One". Ref: "Anthem" - Ayn Rand......

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